Minor in Cybersecurity

The Minor Concentration in Cybersecurity requires students from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Information Systems majors to take 9 additional course credits to obtain the minor degree.  This can be counted as part of their Free Electives course work.  Others majors in the UPR system can pursue the minor degree but would also need to meet the prerequisites of the courses.

  • Must be a student at the University of Puerto Rico (any of its 11 Campuses).
  • Request admission to the Minor in Cybersecurity at the Computer Science department.
    • Must request the minor degree at the Register Office before graduation.
  • Have approved satisfactorily the following two core courses in Cybersecurity
  • Have approved  satisfactorily a third cybersecurity course among the following:
    • CCOM4702: Reverse Engineering
    • CCOM4995: Hardware Security
    • CCOM4995: Digital Forensic Analisys

See the Solicitation for the Minor here: https://sites.google.com/upr.edu/solicitud-grado-menor

Minor concentrations are not conducive to a degree, so they do not appear on the diploma. However, they are recognized in the Cert. 44, 2019-2020, of the UPR Governing Board, and represent an initiative aimed at enriching the academic experience of our students.