Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes

The following apply both to the Bachellor of Science program and the second concentration:

Educational Objectives

Technical knowledge

Graduates of our program will have sound theoretical and practical foundations in Computer Science that will allow them to secure employment, or pursue graduate studies in an area related to Computer Science.

We expect that our graduates will be recognized as being technically competent by their employers or advisers. Specifically, we expect that in one year our graduates will be employed or enrolled in a graduate program in an area related to Computer Science. In five years we expect our graduates will sustain employment or complete a graduate degree in an area related to Computer Science. In ten years we expect our graduates to advance in their selected career path obtaining management positions or employment in a university or research institution.

Problem Solving

Graduates of our program will have intellectual curiosity, creative ability, capacity for independent study and understanding of the importance of lifelong learning.

We expect that our graduates will be recognized as creative, smart and with initiative by their employers or advisers. Specifically, we expect our graduates to be team leaders in the development of professional software or be active researchers in areas related to Computer Science.

Lifelong learning

Graduates of our program will be aware of and expose to current trends in research, techniques, and tools related to Computer Science as a manifestation of lifelong learning.

We expect that our graduates will be recognized to be current in areas related to Computer Science by their employers or advisers. Specifically, we expect our graduates to advance in their selected career path in areas of Computer Science and that they participate in workshops or conferences, register in continuing education or obtain certifications.

Communication skills

Graduates of our program will have strong analytical and communication skills, and will have the ability to effectively participate in a collaborative environment.

We expect that our graduates will be recognized to have strong communication skills by their employers or advisers. Specifically, we expect that they successfully develop technical reports, conferences articles or journal articles and that they successfully give technical and non-technical presentations.

Student Outcomes

  1. Intellectual curiosity and capacity for independent study
  2. Creative and analytic ability, and capacity for logical reasoning
  3. Effective use of mathematical language and ability to develop elementary proofs.
  4. Ability to develop, analyze and evaluate algorithms for solving problems or performing tasks.
  5. Ability to translate algorithms and data structures to software.
  6. Understanding of the limitations of computing, in particular, the difference between what inherently cannot be computed versus what can be achieved through advances in science and technology.
  7. Ability to identify and formulate problems in various real-life situations that can be solved by concepts and computational models and to implement them effectively.
  8. Understanding of the effects of technology and its impact in individuals, organizations and society
  9. Ability to identify, organize, evaluate, and use information.
  10. Ability to effectively communicate (orally and in writing) in Spanish and English.
  11. Knowledge of and appreciation for diversity.
  12. Display of an ethical conduct in the course of their studies and their profession, as well as attitudes that honor and enhance the profession.
  13. Understanding and curiosity for research in the areas of Computer Science
  14. Capacity for teamwork
  15. Apply principles and practices for secure computing


Our program complies with ABET’s Computer Science student outcomes:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
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