Default course sequence for students who entered the BS in Computer Science program in August 2023 or after.
Figure 1 – Curriculum flow diagram for students who entered in 2023 and after
Default course sequence for students who entered the BS in Computer Science program between August 2021 and May 2023.
- 2021-2023 Curriculum in table format
- Make your own Google Spreadsheet editable curriculum copy (Recommended)
- Here is a note from when we announced the 2021 curriculum:
Figure 2 – Curriculum flow diagram for students who entered between 2021 and 2023
Default course sequence for students who entered the BS in Computer Science program before August 2021
- Computer Science course work Flowchart (for students who entered before August 2021)
- Computer Science course work Flowchart (for students who entered on or after August 2021)
- Download Curriculum (PDF)
- Starting with Pre-calulus
- Starting with Calculus – The student has Pre-calculus approved. For example, the student has Pre-calculus approved by Advanced Placement Exam, the Immersion program, etc.
Figure 3 – Curriculum flow diagram for students who entered before 2021