The Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics with Supervised Experiential Learning (MSND-SEL) is a combined online-onsite single program that integrates the Master of Science degree along with the 1,000 hours of supervised and alternate experiential learning (SEL) hours, in professional work settings and in alternate experiences, required to become eligible to take the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) credentialing Exam for Dietitian Nutritionist (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist) and local licensure exam. The Program follows a Competency-Based Education (CBE) model of the accrediting agency, the Accreditation Council on Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), in which the curriculum is based on professional roles and student evaluation includes demonstrated performance in some aspects of that role. Is designed as a cohort- curricular sequential program and students are expected to be full-time and complete the program in 2 years (four-semesters and one summer).

The supervised experiential learning hours consist of 280 hours of alternate experiential learning embedded in online required courses and 720 hours equivalent to 8 credits of supervised experiential learning that must be completed in practice sites. As required by ACEND, the program has policies and procedures to address the selection and periodic evaluation of the adequacy and appropriateness of facilities to ensure that sites are able to provide supervised experiential learning compatible with the competencies that students are expected to achieve. While the program will make every best effort to assign SEL sites based on students interests and other logistical considerations, no given facility can be guaranteed at the time of the application for admission. 

Please refer to the following frequently asked questions for more information: MSND-SEL Preguntas Más Frecuentes

Chair, Nutrition and Dietetics Program:
Brenda Toro Enríquez, PhD, LND

Coordinator, MSND-SEL:
Nivia A. Fernández Hernández, EdD, RDN, LND, CFCS

Effective January 1, 2024, all entry level dietitians are required to possess a Master degree; therefore, students enrolled in the DPD who cannot obtain their RDN credentials by that date must be prepared to complete a master’s degree if they intend to become registered dietitians.

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