Home Research
Esther Peterson, PhD
Project Title:
Elucidating the functional Role of EGFRSEPT14 in gliomas
Project Title:
EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) and SEPT14 (Septin 14) are critical proteins involved in various cellular processes, including signaling and the cytoskeleton, respectively. In the context of gliomas and highly aggressive brain tumors, the interaction and functionality of these components remain largely unknown. Our project focuses on elucidating the functional role of the EGFR-SEPT14 complex in the progression and development of gliomas. We aim to understand the intrinsic DNA binding preferences and the emergent properties resulting from these protein complexes. Through this research, we seek to uncover novel molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets for glioma treatment.
Summer Research
Tyler Curiel, PhD
Project Title:
Immune and melanoma cell-intrinsic consequences of endogenous versus engineered melanoma PDL1 expression
Project Title:
This project investigates the dual roles of Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PDL1) in melanoma, a highly aggressive skin cancer. Utilizing a novel mouse model harboring the NRASQ61R mutation and engineered for melanocyte-specific PDL1 deletion, the study explores the differential impact of endogenous versus engineered PDL1 expression. The research aims to uncover how PDL1 modulates tumor intrinsic signals and immune evasion within the tumor microenvironment. Insights gained from this study could lead to innovative, targeted therapies for NRAS-mutant melanoma, a subtype currently lacking specific treatments.