Home Research


Dr. Carmen L. Cadilla Vázquez 

Project Title: 

TWIST1 and Its Basic Domain Mutants Binding Analysis to DNA by SELEX-seq 

Project Title: 

We try to investigate the DNA-binding properties of the transcription factor TWIST1, a bHLH transcription factor crucial for mesodermal and craniofacial development. Mutations in the basic domain of the protein causes genetic conditions such as Seathre-Chotzen Syndrome and Sweeney-Cox Syndrome. Using SELEX-seq, we examined how wild-type TWIST1 and patient-derived basic domain mutants (R116L, R118H, R118L, E117G, E117V) recognize DNA motifs. 

Summer Research


Dr. Carlos J. Camacho 

Project Title: 

Exploring Optimality Principles in Bacteria and Human PTP1B Phosphatases 

Project Title: 

For this project we intended to explore the catalytic efficiency differences between Yersinia PTP YopH and human PTP1B, two Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases (PTPs) involved in intracellular signaling. Using biochemical data and kinetic modeling with the BioNetGen program, we identified key factors contributing to YopH’s significantly faster catalytic rate.