“Puerto Rico's forestry industry has been asleep for more than 70 years,” said Andrés Rúa, one of the founding members of the Puerto Rico Forestry Sector Advisory Council or Facilitating Group.
“There is no type of law or regulation that is directed at the forest management. Absolutely, nothing,” he added. Currently, the only forest policy in the country is Law 133, known as the Puerto Rico Forest Law. Approved in 1975, it prohibits the felling of trees without permission from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA, for its acronym in Spanish). Although the law is intended to protect forests, in practice, it makes responsible planting and harvesting of timber impossible.

USDA Forest Service Supports Economic Development, Forest Conservation Project, Awards grant to GreenWood to develop wood artisan ecotours
Recognizing the economic development opportunity represented by the sustainable recovery of timber in a region increasingly prone to hurricanes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (USFS) awarded a grant to the GreenWood organization to provide training opportunities and market access to Puerto Rican workers.

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USDA Announces Cooperative Agreements for Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction
The cooperative agreements support projects that develop and test strategies for planning and implementing municipal compost plans and food waste reduction plans and they are part of USDA’s broader efforts to support urban agriculture.
USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (Office) will accept applications on Grants.gov until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on July 16, 2021. Projects should span two years with a start date of September 25, 2021 and completion date of September 25, 2023.
Find the full press release
A pre-recorded webinar will provide an overview of the cooperative agreements’ purpose, project types, eligibility and basic requirements for submitting an application. The webinar will be posted at farmers.gov/urban.
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First National Woodland Owner Survey of the U.S. Virgin Islands February 17, 2021. Press here for more information.

El Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez desarrolla prototipo de generador eléctrico que funciona con trozos de madera. Press here to access the article.

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Educan hacia la sostenibilidad. El Centro Regional de Peritaje en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (RCE, en inglés) es un proyecto que tiene la misión de desarrollar comunidades saludables, equitativas y resilientes ante los cambios socioeconómicos y ambientales. Según su miembro fundador Christopher Nytch, "los RCE's son una alianza colaborativa multisectorial e interdisciplinaria, que trabaja a través de varias escalas de gobernanza. Tomado de El Nuevo Día

Forests to Furniture - An Artisan Ecotour in Puerto Rico. Press here to access the article.

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Wood Product Development in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Press here to access the article.

Assessing Wood from Hurricane-Downed Trees in Puerto Rico. Press here to access the article.

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Sustainable Forestry In Puerto Rico. Press here to access the page.

Planting More Trees Can Increase Carbon Storage Capacity in the U.S. Press here to access pdf.