La agencia acreditadora de programas de nutrición y dietética, ACEND por sus siglas en inglés, informó el pasado viernes que removía al Programa de su probatoria y lo mantendría como un programa completamente acreditado y en cumplimiento con sus estándares …
To the Class of 2020: On behalf of the Board of Directors and all members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, congratulations! As you graduate this year, you have achieved a remarkable milestone that reflects your hard work and …
Estimado Estudiante: Se adjunta comunicado importante sobre las medidas aprobadas en la Certificación 78 2019-20 que se relaciona con la calificación de los cursos del Segundo Semestre 2019-2020. Les recomendamos que lean detenidamente. Comunicación PND de opción Aprobado o No Aprobado …
Convocatoria para solicitudes de Reclasificacion, Traslado y Transferencia 2020-2021
Two students from the Nutrition and Dietetics Program offered a conference titled How to apply for summer research programs?, as part of the activities coordinated by the Nutrition Journal Club, where they shared their experiences in a summer internship and …
Students from the course NUTR 4086 – Menu for Foodservice Systems dressed as food to celebrate Halloween.
Cristina Moscoso – University of Maryland Cristina Moscoso’s research focus includes determining ideal prebiotics to reduce the load of Salmonella strain in vitro (culture), alone and in combination with antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, tetracycline and azithromycin commonly used for therapeutic …
Convocatoria para solicitudes de Reclasificacion, Traslado y Transferencia 2019-2020
Students and Faculty Awards given by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, Puerto Rico Chapter, in 2018 and 2019. Premio ANDPR 2018 Premios ANDPR 2019