Mentors and research
IDGeNe research mentors are faculty in the UPR Rio Piedras and Medical School Campuses. These two campuses are the only research-intensive UPR campuses and the only with doctoral programs in biomedical-related areas island wide. All of them are part of the UPR Intercampus Doctoral Program in Biology, housed at UPR-RP. This faculty ensemble is a heterogeneous group of investigators that range from Assistant Professors to Full Professors with extensive mentoring experience.
These group of researchers study genomic data as applied to their fields of interest encompassing a wide range of topics, including Neuroscience, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Behavior, Ecology, Development, Cell and Molecular Biology, Evolution, Environmental Sciences, Computer Sciences and Statistics, among others. They represent a diverse group of investigators in terms of Gender, Ethnicity and Research area. Twenty-two investigators with projects in the genomic field will be participating in our Program. Below a list of the IDGeNe mentors and and a brief description of their research projects.
IDGeNe Mentors

Dr. Agosto is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology who works in genetics. In the last few years he has been studying the effect the microbiota on behavior, particularly on circadian rhythms. His lab uses Drosophila to attack this question to take advantage of the large repertoire of molecular genetic tools available, the simpler microbiome, and the deep level of neurobiological understanding. Specifically, they chose the circadian network to study its interaction with gut microbes because its behavioral outputs and molecular components are well characterized and because there is evidence suggesting that gut microbes are communicating with this network. To explore this relationship, flies are treated with wide spectrum antibiotics and found that sleep behavior and the homeostatic response to sleep deprivation are altered. They have found that knockdown of a cellular homeostasis gene called pumilio within the circadian network prevent the effects of sleep deprivation on gut microbes. They are currently manipulating this gene on neural and immune tissues to map the cellular loci of pumilio actions and further characterize the signaling pathways involved.
Dr. Bayman is a Professor in the Department of Biology. Bayman’s lab is crently focused on pests and diseases of coffee and their biological control. Organisms of interest include the coffee berry borer (CBB, a beetle, the most destructive pest of coffee worldwide), the coffee leaf rust fungus (CLR, the most destructive pathogen of coffee), fungi with potential for biological control of CBB and CRR, and the microbiome of coffee plant roots. One current project is a metatranscriptome study of CBBs infected with biological control fungi, to study the role of gene expression in virulence in the pathogen and resistance in the host. Another looks at population genetics and phylogeography of the coffee leaf rust pathogen. Another focuses on functional and phylogenetic diversity of fungal hyperparasites of the CLR pathogen, which include several undescribed species. A recently published study looked at the role of Wolbachia in the microbiota of the CBB. These projects combine field experiments, lab experiments and genetics and ‘omics methods such as RNAseq, amplicon metagenomics, and genome sequencing.
Mechanisms of Transcription Factors Binding. Dr. Cadilla is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry. Craniofacial abnormalities are among the most common findings in birth defects. Transcription factors (TFs) of the helix-loop-helix (HLH) family have important roles during human development. Mutations in the Twist subfamily of bHLH TFs result in genetic disorders that impact the formation of mesodermal derivatives during vertebrate embryogenesis. The basic HLH (bHLH) subfamily members can act as repressors or activators, depending on their dimerization partner. The long-term goal of our laboratory is to determine the molecular mechanisms by which TWIST bHLH proteins decode genomic information, and how genetic variation modulates TWIST1/2-genome interactions that impact craniofacial development. Mutations in. TWIST1 and TWIST2 have been found to cause genetic disorders that impact the development of the head and facial structures. We aim to determine the binding affinities of TWIST1/2 and selected mutant proteins found in patients by EMSAs, biolayer interferometry and structural studies via methods such as circular dichroism, X-ray Crystallography, etc. To determine the DNA-sequence specificity of TWIST1 and TWIST2 complexes (as homodimers or heterodimers with E12 as partner) we use in vivo (ChIP) and in vitro (SELEX) DNA binding assays combined with DNA sequencing to determine the DNA binding specificity of these complexes and the role that specific histone modifications (both activating and inactivating marks) and chromatin structure (using ATAC-Seq). Bioinformatic analyses are performed to (1) interpret changes in gene targets between wild-type and mutant proteins and determine the TWIST binding site sequences used to regulate gene expression of target genes and (2) predict changes in gene targets between wild-type and mutant proteins.
Dr. Garcia-Arraras is a Professor in the Department of Biology and one of the P.I.s of the present proposal. Dr. García-Arrarás has pioneered the use of the echinoderm Holothuria glaberrima to study the process of regeneration and organogenesis. His research focuses on the molecular aspects of regeneration of the radial nerve cord and the digestive tract, specifically on the identification of genes and gene pathways that underlie the regeneration process. His lab has generated an expressed sequence tag (EST) database for H. glaberrima sequences obtained from multiple DNA libraries, of normal and regenerating organs.
Moreover, the lab just published a genome draft of the model animal and is finalizing a complete genome that will provide the base for future genomic experiments and analyses. Students will be involved in bioinformatics analyses to determine gene sequences, structural domains and gene characterization. In addition, transcriptome analyses are performed regularly to determine patterns of gene expression and the outcome of gene knockdown procedures. Finally, an NSF-funded project is aimed at determining the role of the microbiota during the regeneration of the intestine, Thus, 16S analyses are currently performed to identify the associated microbiota.
Dr. Ghezzi is an Associate Professor in the Biology Dept. at UPR-RP. Dr. Ghezzi’s research revolves around the molecular basis of neural adaptation. Through the integration of molecular genomics, behavioral analyses, and neurophysiology, his lab strives to resolve how the nervous system utilizes a finite number of genes to carefully modulate neural activity and adapt to an ever-changing environment. A central component of this effort is directed to understanding the mechanisms of transcriptional memory that perpetuate drug-induced adaptations and promote addiction. Drug addiction is a complex neurobiological condition characterized by compulsive and escalating drug use and is believed to arise in part from drug-induced neural adaptations that counteract the drug effects and contribute to the uncontrolled urge to consume the drug. Students in the Ghezzi Lab will combine the powerful Drosophila genetic model and a range of genomic and neurophysiological techniques to identify and categorize the epigenetic regulatory mechanisms that reprogram neural circuits and orchestrate the response to different drugs of abuse and other environmental insults.
Dr. Giray is a Professor in the Biology Dept. at UPR-RP. Honeybees live in a society composed of tens of thousands of almost sterile workers, a reproductive female, the queen, and hundreds of males. Studies on behavioral development of honeybee workers, queens, and males have revealed a rich and expanding repertoire under neuroendocrine regulation with evolutionary roots in the solitary reproductive cycle of insects. In addition to developmental plasticity, there also is a shortterm plasticity in behavior of honeybee workers under regulation of biogenic amines, under natural conditions. Dr. Giray’s lab combines genomics including WGA and transcriptomics approaches with classic and new behavioral assays to study honeybee social behavior, both in the field and in the laboratory. Combining genomics and neural-behavioral approaches, they probe the neural and molecular bases of plasticity in a mini brain. Simple questions, such as if colony conditions influence expression of defensive response of individuals, as measured by direct observations, genome level association studies, and gene expression are important within this research program and have been answered by undergraduate research students. In a recent study, the lab has demonstrated in colonies that the level of aggressive response to threats, depends on frequency of certain genotypes in a colony. No particular genotype makes a single bee more likely to sting, instead it is a group phenotype. Examining genes involved in individual and colony phenotypes of bees benefits from combining behavioral, bioinformatics, and genomics techniques. This combination of experimentally accessible social behavior and techniques to probe underlying neurogenomics mechanisms make this research program especially suitable for undergraduate research experience
Dr. Godoy is a Microbial Ecologist who has investigated an eclectic collection of topics including evolution, community dynamics, and biofilm succession. She developed her career studying biodiversity associated with animal and human microbiomes using and developing metagenomic techniques. Her laboratory investigates microbiomes in a variety of disease contexts using various Omics techniques to understand the co-evolution, transmission, and functions of microbial-host symbioses. She has pioneered studies of microbiome-drive malignancies in Hispanics namely those associated with Human Papilloma virus. Indeed, her lab demonstrated that critical dysbiosis associated to cervical and oropharyngeal precancerous lesions indicate that microbial translocation of pro-inflammatory bacteria could be triggering carcinogenic events. She holds the largest biorepositories for studies of human microbiome in the island, with tens of thousands of biological samples from Hispanic participants and its corresponding metadata from study questionnaires. She has hundreds of 16S rRNA, ITS and shotgun sequenced datasets for the study of microbiome and HPV induced carcinogenesis. Students will be involved in data generation and bioinformatics analyses pertaining microbiome profiles, community sequence type definitions, and composition and function analyses combining multi-omics approaches. They will also be exposed to data curation, annotation, assembly, and characterization of genome bins from metagenomes. Her group’s mission is to translate microbial ecology to improve human health and empower education in the microbial sciences.
Dr. Janwa is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and foremost expert in Information Theory of Communication Systems, with specialization in Data Integrity and Data Security, where he has made seminal contributions. His pathbreaking research on algebraic geometric methods in information theory. Several influential theorems bear his name (Janwa bounds on the covering radius of algebraic and algebraic geometric codes, Janwa-Wilson-McGuire theorems on singularity analysis of APN functions, Janwa-Moreno constructions of Ramanujan Cayley graphs, Hoeholdt-Janwa characterization of networks with few eigenvalues). More recently, NASA (in three different grants) has funded his research on Novel Network graph techniques to study the effects of microgravity on plants, mice and humans in the International Space Station. During the past two decades he has expanded his research in interdisciplinary direction: involving network sciences, information theory, neural networks, and quantum computing. He has mentored scores of undergraduate students several of whom have gone on to do graduate work and are now faculty members.
Dr. Louime is an Assistant Professor in the Department of environmental Sciences. Dr. Louime’s lab studies the ecology of marine microbial communities as an essential way for understanding ecosystem functions. The focus is to determine the dynamics of marine bacterial community diversity of the coastal waters around the island of Puerto Rico. Collected samples are characterized to determine temporal and seasonal variations in microbial communities, bacterioplanktons within several seashore marine samples. Using culture-independent, high-throughput pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA V4 region, a snapshot of the longitudinal taxonomic profile of marine microbes around the island is obtained. Their studies highlight the importance of microbes’ biological activities in determining basic earth’s chemistry as well as potential diseases for humans and other species. This continuous monitoring is for a better understanding of global change in the quest of finding solutions for unprecedented and undesirable changes. The lab provides hands-on experiences to students in the area of environmental sample collection and processing, which include environmental metadata, genomic DNA extraction and characterization followed by bioinformatics analyses.
Understanding fundamental dynamics that shape the geographic distribution of species is critical for predicting responses to global change and in disentangling the factors that generate and maintain global biodiversity patterns. Our lab works in diverse systems, from plants through birds and mammals to humans, to reveal how species persist and coexist across diverse and dynamic environments to understand the distribution of life on Earth. Our work is macroecological in scope and bridges scales of biological organization – from physiology, traits, and behavior of individuals to spatiotemporal dynamics of populations to the distributions of species and assembly of communities across and among continents. We address questions by leveraging large ecological, environmental, geographic, and phylogenetic datasets unified across disparate sources and through the creative application of computational and statistical techniques. Within these themes, research participants will choose between projects that provide opportunities to learn skills such as the management, statistical analysis, and visualization of big data in ecology, phylogenetic comparative methods, geographic analyses (GIS), or simulation approaches.
We utilize ecological monitoring tools and advanced genetic techniques to explore the ecology and evolution of marine organisms across the Caribbean. One aspect of our research centers on the hypothesis that environmental changes, alongside species interactions, contribute to phenotypic plasticity and invasive traits in an invasive seagrass, Halophila stipulacea. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment involving H. stipulacea and native seagrass Syringodium filiforme to assess how species interactions influence their acclimation and adaptation. Preliminary results have unveiled that the invasive seagrass demonstrated comparable growth in both reciprocal transplant sites while displaying altered vegetative traits suggestive of a distinct growth strategy. We aim to dive deeper into these findings to investigate if these changes in vegetative traits are linked to epigenetic modifications underlying the plant’s invasiveness. Project participants will leverage bioinformatics tools to assemble the current Halophila genome from raw sequencing data, predict potential genes within this assembly, and create a gene transfer file (GTF) by annotating these genes with their genomic coordinates and functional elements. While the genome has been sequenced, the assembly process from raw reads remains to be conducted. Additionally, they will align methylome sequences to identify specific methylated genes associated with invasive characteristics. This project offers a unique opportunity to gain invaluable skills in genome assembly, GTF annotation, and methylome alignment, crucial for unraveling the mysteries behind invasive seagrass dynamics.
Dr. Ortiz-Zuazaga is a professor in the Department of Computer Sciences. He has developed novel methods of measuring gene expression from microarray and second-generation sequencing data and determining regulatory gene networks from this data. He already has established successful collaborations with scientists in biomedical research using Big Data. In the present project, he will continue to grow these research collaborations, bringing his quantitative and algorithmic skills to bear on novel biomedical problems. Due to his experience in multiple fields, Dr. Ortiz-Zuazaga is uniquely qualified to abstract the basic algorithmic challenges in many biological problems and can help translate biological questions into data analysis algorithms. Students in his lab will adapt probabilistic data structures to the task of detecting differential gene expression in de-novo RNA-seq experiments and use these and other data sets to model gene regulatory networks using bioinformatic and statistical methods. Dr. Ortiz-Zuazaga brings to the project extensive experience in computational biology, ranging from data analysis to modelling and simulation and visualization.
Dr. Pappa is a Professor in the Department of Biology. He is an evolutionary biologist that studies change at distinct spatial, temporal, and complexity scales with a cellular/molecular focus and uses these findings to determine the rules that promote biodiversity. For this he utilizes the most powerful high-end approaches in genomics and functional genetics to address fundamental questions in evolutionary and developmental biology. His work aims to better understand the interplay between molecules and gene networks underlying the evolution of novel phenotypes and finally how to protect and conserve the diversity of animal forms with specific focus on the one in the tropics. His current research is at the forefront of the evolutionary genomic and developmental fields, which focuses on a simple but extremely complex fundamental question in biology: How do changes in DNA result in changes in phenotype? Leveraging phenotypic diversity in butterfly populations with cutting-edge DNA sequencing methods and functional validation, I explore how genetic changes impact the evolution and diversification of adaptive traits. He is also working on an epidemiology and surveillance study of SARS-CoV-2 to timely detect strains, lineages, and mutations across the island of Puerto Rico. The primary goals of the SARS-CoV-2 study is to: a) characterize lineages and detect genetic variants of concern, b) monitor the position and frequencies of mutations across the genome, c) catalog missense protein mutations, d) determine the presence of any amino acid replacement of concern, e) correlate all genetic changes with outbreaks, and sex or age groups, and f) identify the routes of introduction and local movements of COVID-19 in Puerto Rico.
Dr. PerezHernandez is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. She is currently involved in the “Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Bioinformatics BEBiC Core” of the U54 Collaborative 5 year Grant between UPR and MDAnderson Cancer Center, where she is collaborating with Drs. Pericchi and Ortiz-Zuazaga. She is also collaborating with Dr. X in the development of Bayesian epidemiological models based on internet search information. Dr. Pérez-Hernández has made contributions on Bayesian Statistics, especially on Bayesian Robustness and Objective Bayesian Methods. She has a long history of successful interdisciplinary work with researchers in biomedical sciences and ecology, including statistical support for development of rotavirus vaccines and statistical support for studies on Helicobacter pylori.
Dr. Pérez-Santiago is an Assistant Professor of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at UPRCCC. Dr. Perez-Santiago has a unique set of clinical, bioinformatics and research skills that keeps him at the leading edge of the rapidly expanding fields of genetics and molecular biology. He has been an HIV researcher for more than 10 years, and his work focuses on genomics and microbiomics, with specific research interest in identifying microbial-host targets for cancer prevention during chronic viral infections such as HIV and HPV. Currently, we have two ongoing funded projects: 1) Investigating the bacterial and fungal communities in the oral cavity and how they relate to oral and systemic inflammation and higher cancer risk in HIV+ adults and 2) Investigating the oral microbiome and the inflammasome protein complex in relation to oral HPV infection in HIV+ adults. We are also creating a biorepository of saliva, blood plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells to investigate DNA methylation patterns, the transcriptome, and immunological markers. Students will be involved in the analysis of sequencing data, the integration of other biomedical data and interpretation of results.
Dr. Pericchi is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. His main interest are Bayesian Statistics. Genomics studies are particularly well suited to Bayesian Statistics. A recent reference is van de Schoot, R., Depaoli, S., King, R. et al. Bayesian statistics and modelling. Nat Rev Methods Primers 1, 1 (2021). His plan is to train students on Bayesian Statistics modern approaches to genomics studies that involve an enormous number of potential models and where the modelling of the subject matter knowledge and prior probabilities is of paramount importance, particularly to increase the replicability of the scientific findings. There is also emphasis on existing software, particularly in RStudio and Bioconductor, and plans to develop software in this area for particular applications, that would be appropriate to develop with student participation.
Dr. Peterson-Peguero is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. Her work focuses on the transcriptional changes associated with estrogen signaling in cancer. Dr. Peterson’s research aims to understand the molecular signature of the most lethal subtype of breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). The main goal of her lab is to identify novel therapeutic targets for the better management of IBC. Her team is studying estrogen genomic and non-genomic effects as a novel regulatory mechanism of EGFR downstream signaling which might be contributing to the aggressive and metastatic phenotype of IBC. The research goal is to contribute to the IBC field by generating a detailed characterization of the transcriptional and non-transcriptional estrogen effects in IBC and deciphering the complex signaling interactions with ErbB signaling using two IBC models: TNBC-IBC and HER2-positive IBC cell lines. This contribution is extremely significant because it will provide a better understanding of the molecular signaling of IBC that will allow us to determine potential novel effective targeted therapeutics for IBC. The research uses RNA-seq and Chip-seq to identify transcriptional changes associated with estrogen signaling and the target genes. Students will be involved in the generation of Chip-seq and RNA-seq datasets under different treatments (agonists and antagonists of estrogen signaling) and timepoints and in all aspects of the bioinformatics analyses. Her lab already generated two datasets of RNA-seq data with one of the IBC cell lines treated with estradiol and other drugs that yield interesting differentially expressed genes. Validation experiments for some of the DES are currently underway.
Dr. Roche-Lima is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics at the UPR-School of Medicine. The research in Dr. Roche-lima lab centers on the application of machine learning approaches to generate predictive models using biomedical data oriented to minority populations. Dr. Roche-Lima is also the Principal Investigator of the ARL Lab Bioinformatics and Health Informatics and the Director of the Integrated Informatics Services (IIS) core (part of the Center for Collaborative Research in Health Disparities (CCRHD), at the UPR Medical Campus. Its mission is to “provide Bioinformatics and Health Informatics services as they apply to the Biomedical Science, as well as develop research on Computer Science approaches applied to Bioinformatics and Health Informaticsfor precision medicine in minority health”. The Integrated Informatic Services (IIS) team from the CCRHD-RCMI program, has provided bioinformatics services focused in a diversity of Genomic analyses. The facility has contributed to create and annotated a DeNovo assembly analysis, has contributed to Quality control, data processing and ancestry analysis of SNP panels data, has contributed also to Differential expression analyses from NGS has contributed to metagenomics analyses, provided analysis associated with metagenomics analysis has also been part of microarray analysis mainly focused Quality Control, data processing and statistical analysis for identification of differentially expressed genes.
Dr. RodriguezFernandez is a newly recruited Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. Identification of the genes in Lactobacillus. plantarum capable of activating the transcription factor Nrf2/CncC in the fly intestine. Dr. Rodriguez’s lab aims at understanding how the gut microbiome, particularly commensals, communicates with the intestinal epithelium and vice versa. Lactobacillus species are commensal bacteria commonly found in the fly and mammalian small intestines and are generally considered probiotic agents. Studies using flies monoassociated with Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) have uncovered significant insights into host-microbial interaction where this commensal can modify the growth and food digestion the host. It has been shown that L.plantarum can activate the transcription factor Nrf2/CncC in the host’s intestine and this could explain some of its beneficial effects. However, which genetic pathways in L. plantarum are needed for this activation are not known. The main objective for this project is to identify which genes in L.plantarum are needed for the activation of the transcription factor Nrf2/CncC in the fly intestine. Besides its role in the antioxidant response, Nrf2/CncC regulates protein homeostasis in intestinal stem cells, and reactivation of this transcription factor in aged flies can lead to lifespan extension and health span. Mentees working in Dr. Rodriguez’s lab will gather experience:1) working with the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism, 2) performing bacterial mutagenesis, and 3) designing and performing genetic screenings in Drosophila and L.plantarum.
Dr. Rodriguez-Martinez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology. Transcription factors are sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins that regulate gene expression by targeting specific regions of the genome. Determining the DNA-binding preferences of transcription factors is a critical step for decoding gene regulatory networks that control cell function. R25 fellows in the Rodríguez-Martínez lab will engage in multiple aspects of the characterization of transcription factors, including the generation of large datasets of transcription factor binding specificity using next-generation DNA sequencing. Trainees will implement state-of-the-art machine learning methods to generate DNA-binding specificity models of transcription factors. The specificity models are then applied to identify putative genome-wide binding sites to generate testable hypothesis related to a transcription factor function. This work is guided by the Rodriguez-Martinez lab mission to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which proteins and small molecules bind to DNA and RNA to interpret genetic information.
Dr. Toranzos is a Professor in the Department of Biology. He has been carrying out microbiome analyses of different ecosystems, including those of the gastrointestinal tract of ancient cultures using coprolites. Apart from the paleomicrobiological analyses, Toranzos is also involved in studying the microbiome of some insect species that are deleterious to crops. Students will be involved in all bioinformatic analyses to draw conclusions on diet, health status and lifestyles of ancient Caribbean cultures, as well as analyses of the microbiomes of insects in order to better understand polyphagy. Metagenomic analyses allow us to study the holomicrobiome including viruses and bacteriophage sequences present in these samples.
Professor. The acquisition of remotely sensed data at a variety of spatial and times scales, is providing unprecedented opportunities for evaluating the impacts of global and regional changes, as well as the consequences of these changes for couple natural-human systems. A second project in the lab focuses on the plantmicrobiota-soil associations in landslides and landslide-prone environments. Students in the Restrepo lab will acquire skills in remote sensing, big data, and geographical information systems tools to test hypotheses and perform data analysis.
The core of the IDGeNe program is the full immersion of students in “hands-on” research experiences.
Multiple studies (and our own 30 plus year experience) have shown that participation in a research project is one of the most important experiences for students to remain interested in science and to continue graduate students in a chosen field (Hartman 1990, Yaffe et al. 2014, Rodriguez-Amaya et al. 2018)
Student participation in a research project will begin as soon as the first summer, when the new cohort of scholars is admitted and will continue uninterrupted for two years. Most of the research experience will take place in the laboratory of the local mentor. However, the second year in the program, students will participate in an 8-10-week genomic research experience during the summer. This will take place in one of our partner institutions or in other top-rated institutions in the mainland that offer summer programs that are in line with the student’s interest. The great majority of the research mentors are established URM scientists, most have extensive experience in training students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Some are junior faculty that bring new energy and new tools into the field and are slowly gaining mentoring experience. Given the breadth of the genomic field and of the available UPR mentors, IDGeNe scholars will be exposed to a broad spectrum of research topics, that extend from studies in microbiomes, to the development of statistical analyses, to high-throughput gene expression, to name just a few.
Once a student has been selected to be an IDGeNe scholar, he/she will meet with the Program P.I.s to discuss their research interests. They will go through the list of potential mentors and allow the student to choose at least three researchers with whom to interview. The P.I.s will organize the interviews between scholars and possible P.I.s for the next two weeks. Following the interviews, the P.I.s will communicate with the student and with the possible mentor to determine if a decision has been reached. If the student wants to explore other options, the P.I.s will organize a next round of interviews. The aim of the program is for the student to have chosen the mentor prior to the beginning of the Summer Immersion Program. A subjacent programmatic goal in the selection of the mentor will also enable the students to train with URM role model scientists in Genomics.
Summer Research Immersion (First Summer): The two-year internship in the program will begin the first week of June. The cohort of IDGeNe scholars will participate in Program activities for nine weeks (Table 1 shows the proposed agenda for the summer program). This summer program is offered together with other summer training programs that usually include an NSF REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) and NIH ENDURE (our NeuroID program). IDGeNe students will participate in some of the activities together with students from other programs, while some of the activities are specific for the IDGeNe students.
During the spring semester of their first year, IDGeNe scholars will provide the P.I. with a listing of their top choices for the summer research experience (second summer). The P.I. will communicate with the contacts at the partner institutions in order to distribute the scholars, if possible, to the institutions/researchers of their choice.
Summer activities at the UPR-RP:
- Bioinfo Basics
- Carpentries workshops
- Genomics-focused workshop (Data Carpentry Genomics)
- Meet the Mentors
- Genomics and Society
- Oral presentations
- Seminars and short workshops
Mainland Research Experience (Second Summer): IDGeNe will sponsor the participation of scholars in research experience in Genomics at one top-mainland institution during their second summer in the program. This activity serves multiple purposes.
- Students are exposed to a different research topic in a different environment that serves to expand their knowledge and expertise. For many of our students who are born and raised on the island, this type of activity is usually their first opportunity to experience the dynamic, active, high pressure research environment typical of R1: Doctoral Universities with very high research activity.
- Some students use this opportunity to survey institutions where they might eventually apply for graduate studies.
- University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC)
- Harvard
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Wisconsin
- University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
- UT Southwestern