For any questions or collaboration about forest resources contact us:

Carite Forest Cayey, Puerto Rico
Photo by Robert Espaillat, Bs
Elvia Meléndelz-Ackerman, Ph.D
Full Professor
PI-Tropical Plant & Urban Ecology Laboratory
College of Natural Sciences-CIAM
University of Puerto Rico-RP
PO Box 70377
San Juan, P.R. 00936-8377
Phone 787-764-0000 ext. 88197, 88195, 88196

Susua State Forest Maricao, Puerto Rico
Luis E. Santiago, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Director
Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning
School of Public Administration
University of Central Florida
528 W. Livingston St., Suite 448F
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone- 407.823.2604,
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USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
This project made possible through a grant from the USDA Forest Service.