Alumni Grads
Alumni Grads
Since 1996, our lab has offered research experiences through various mechanisms to over 130 students at the graduate and undergraduate level. Here is a list of the research dissertations and theses produced by some of the students.
Julissa Rojas, 2010, PhD Biologia, "Identification and evaluation of vulnerability factorsa affecting the Caribbean cactus species Harrisia portoricensis". Contact: Click here


subpoblaciones de Lepanthes rupestris Stimson”. Contact: Click here

Calle, Paulina and Martínez Alma. May 2005., Mapping Depression Forest Sites in Mona Island Reserve, Puerto Rico. Senior Thesis Environmental Science Program.
Miriam Toro. Jan 2011. Characterization of Cave-Inhabiting Arthropods of Puerto Rico: potential tools for conservation. Environmental Science. Senior Thesis Environmental Science Program.
Cristina Pilar Vila. May 2012. Plant diversity of residential yards across the Rio Piedras watershed. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Yankiomy Hernández. Dec 2014. Institutional drivers of urban biodiversity at the Rio Piedras Watershed. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Khrisia Torres. How do people get their yard plants? Social drivers of native plant biodiversity in urban residential areas. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP May 2015
Lorena Cortes. Evaluating the presence and distribution of pathogen vectors of native and exotic plant species in the Luis Muñoz Marín Foundation in Puerto Rico. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP June 2016
Patricia González. Servicios ecosistémicos brindados por las áreas verdes de la comunidad de Miramar, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Captación de CO2 y remoción de contaminantes aéreos BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP Aug. 2017
Juan Orengo. 2017. Ecosystem Service Provision in Urban Residential Areas. How Different Green Infrastructure Compositions Affect the Quality of Services Provided in the Puerto Nuevo and University Gardens Communities. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Roberto Vilches. 2017. Evaluación de servicios eco sistémicos por las áreas verdes de la comunidad de Tras Talleres, Santurce, P.R. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Jennifer Velázquez. 2017. Identification of Aedes aegypti eggs and larvae at breeding sites around selected campus buildings at University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. Research Thesis, BSc Programa Interdisciplinario. UPRRP
Denis Ruiz. 2017. Evaluando la variación en la abundancia y diversidad de abejas en patios residenciales en Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Un estudio piloto. BSc Programa Interdisciplinario. UPRRP
Adriana Rivera. 2018. ¿Cuán vulnerable es el arbolado urbano de la cuenca del río piedras a plagas?. Research Thesis, BSc Programa Interdisciplinario. UPRRP
Pamela Espinosa. 2018. Cobertura arbórea y servicios ecosistémicos en el municipio de San Juan. Research Thesis, BSc Programa Interdisciplinario. UPRRP
Gabriel Rodríguez-Rojas. 2018. Efectos del espacio restringido en los servicios ecosistémicos de los árboles urbanos. BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Garcia Bayón, J. G. 2019. Changes in urban ecosystem services and tree structural values before and after Hurricane María in Puerto Rico. Research Thesis BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Juneilis Mulero. 2019. El desarrollo histórico urbano y perfil socioeconómico como predictores útiles de la cobertura de terreno urbano y servicios ecosistémicos en las comunidades Alto del Cabro y Miramar, en el barrio de Santurce de la ciudad de San Juan Research Thesis, BSc Programa Interdisciplinario. UPRRP
Encarnación Ojeda. M. 2019. Habitat correlates of micro-orchid distribution and ecology and their implications to climate change. Research Thesis BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP
Torres Martinez, E. 2020. Drivers of hurricane damage and mortality for urban trees in a community of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Research Thesis BSc Env Sciences Dept. UPRRP