Microscopy Facility

Our Microscopy Facility allows researchers to investigate cell ultrastructure using nondestructive imagining methods. The facility is equipped with a confocal and a two photon microscopes that allow studies of organelle structure and function and conjugated antibodies; measurements of DNA and RNA; identification of cytochemicals; determination of oxidative metabolism and andionic fluxes (Ca2+ flux); and surface imaging and 3D reconstruction, among others. We have a Zeiss LSM 510 confocal scan head that can be used with either our Zeiss Axiovert 100 inverted microscope or our Zeiss Axioplan 2 upright microscope. Confocal images can be acquired using either an Argon/2 or He/Ne visible light (458-633nM) lasers. A Coherent® Mira 900 infrared laser using a Coherent® Verdi V10 pump is used to acquire two photon microscopy images. This directly coupled, Ti:Sapphire laser can be tuned from 710nM to 980nM, thus giving us great flexibility when performing two photon microscopy studies.


Dr. Cesar Lasalde, Director
JGD 115


(787) 76- 0000 x 1-2765