Josele Rosas Nava
PhD Student in Environmental Sciences Department at UPR-RP

My research is based on the analysis of various databases to check discrepancies and similarities in the study of dust events as well as the analysis of weather forecast models coupled with atmospheric chemistry. The forecast of these intensive dust events helps to make early decisions in order to decrease their impact on public health. Satellite data, such as VIIRS, MODIS and CALIOP, was analyzed together with ground-based measurements realized by instruments and laboratories. In addition, dust forecast models such as GEOS-5 and WRF-Chem were added to the study and we are working to improve their outputs. This project is part of the Caribbean Air-quality Alert and Management Assistance System-Public Health (CALIMA-PH) work group 2 (a NASA-ROSES project) under the leadership of Dr. Olga Mayol-Bracero and Dr. Elvia Melendez-Ackerman.